Save Fuel, Reduce Emissions and provide clean air for your families future

These technologies are distributed through ECO Systems International, an Irish company, based in Kildare.

Solving todays Environmental challenges with efficient and sustainable technology to hand over a cleaner planet to future generations

If you use any of these fuels – you can save fuel and reduce emissions:

Diesel, Petrol, Heating oil, Kerosene, Methane (Natural Gas), LPG (Liquid Petroleum Gas) or Propane;


Today we are faced with a multitude of environmental challenges however emissions is not only an environmental problem it is a critical health issue

“World Health Organization Says Diesel Exhaust Causes Cancer”

Idling longer than one minute in a school zone is illegal in New York City for all vehicles”

Core benefits to you after installing the ECO Unit are:

  • Cleaner air for your family and employees to breathe
  • Toxic emissions reduced from 20% to 95%
  • Reduction in CO2 proportionate to reduced fuel
  • Reduced fuel consumption; reductions from 2% to 15%
  • Reduced exposure to Occupational H & S Risks

A Question about occupational H & S risks

What do railroad workers, truck drivers, farmers, miners, mechanics, and toll booth workers have in common?


They, along with millions of others from workplaces where diesel-powered
equipment is used, are exposed to hazardous diesel exhaust emissions on the job.

What does ECO Systems International’s ECO Unit do to reduce toxic emissions and save fuel:

  • Reducing CO – carbon monoxide is poisonous and at high levels can kill in 3 seconds.
  • Reducing NOx – oxides of nitrogen are responsible for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes
  • Reducing PM – particulate matter is a carcinogenic (tiny particles affecting lungs similar to asbestos), responsible for cancer, asthma, cardiovascular disease, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and diabetes. Children and elderly are most at risk.
  • Reduced H & S risk – mitigate your potential exposure to work place Health & Safety claims arising out of exposure to emissions from burning fuels, in particular diesels and heating oils
  • Reducing unburned fuel – Unburned fuel waste reduced significantly
  • Reduced fuel – less fuel required to do the same job
  • Reduced CO2 – Carbon Dioxide reduced by the proportion of fuel saved
  • Reduced carbon build up – extends the life of engines & burners
  • Improved performance – engine power and space heating systems perform with improved output
  • No maintenance – the ECO unit requires no power or consumables
  • Works with existing fuel lines – no pumping or filtering required